Nord Uch FinUch Mankoya's Excellent Earl  "Theo"
Theo pictures 1 [2]


Theo is the most adorable pet you could own. He is a very easy dog to handle, with a sweet temper, a real gentleman.






NordUch Finch Mankoya's Excellent Earl:
Apalachee Umqolo of Pronkberg
SAch Pronkberg Matange Pronkberg Sango
SaCh Ingwe of Pronkberg
Kulima Zena SaCh Komkhulu's Nkosana

Siaram Jalla of Kulima
NordUch Mankoya's Claudia SuCh NuCh Dark Red Dreams Fudo Daruma AmCh
Rolling's B Abel
Turoka Gidget Raises Caine
SuCh Parih's Eileen-Phoébe CV IntUch GBCh NordUch NordW-83/-84 Rooinek Jason Of Janak
Such Kinghunter's Daria-LionlifeCV