Kangelani's Impressive Inka
Date of Birth: 2008-04-06
Sire: Multi Ch Ascot Alta Mirano dam:
Ch Kangelani's Fiselo Filicia
HD: A = excellent ED: 0/0 =clear

Inka winning her final CAC for her Swedish and Finish Champion title

Inka 2010 going BOS with CAC at SRRS north specialty

Inka 2 years old winning CAC and CACIB in Lathi Finland

Inka 21 months old

Inka 21 months old

15 months winning intermediate class in Köping

Inka won intermediate class with CQ

Inka 15 months in Tvååker

Inka hiking in the Swedish mountains 14 months old

14 months in Norrköping, Inka won juniorclass with CQ and was placed 4th best bitch!!!!

inka 1
year old

Inka (12 months) passed her apitude test in fieldtracking with excellent results.
Judge: Åke Skägget Larsson

Inka playing in the snow
10 months old

and Inka Christmas 2008 (8 months old)

7,5 months old

7 months old

Inka 6 months old Photo:Lotta Malmborg

at Huskvarna open show 5 months

inka 4,5 months

Inka 4 moths->

15 weeks